Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bogged after the Rain....

Just when we thought the water has receeded and it is safe to drive around in our neighbour rings and asks for help.

She is bogged! Unfortunately I only had my IPhone with me - so the picturesw really don't do the wet soapy clay any justice...but all the same - you can see a little how soggy it was.

Enjoy - we had fun pulling the car out! ( Notice the little fluffy supervisor)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

More photos from the last rain

All you Central Australians,
can you believe how green it still is??
My neighbour has been mowing his block for 3 days straight now ( well, its 5 acres, but still) a lot of grass for our area - the horses are happy, for the first time ever they refuse to eat any more green food!!

anyway, here a few more photos of the Todd River with water, by now there is only a little trickle left at schwarz Cresent crossing as far as i know.

have a great long weekend

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My first Blog!!

Hi guys,
who ever see this first - let me know will ya, please...

I got a few photos last week when the Todd got up again - nothing exiting - but interesting for those of us who could not see it from our office windows ( well, ok, I had to go to lunch to be able to kmake these photos, but still, I COULD!!)

And the quality is only IPhone, so you professional shooters - please be gentle on me...

hope you like it though..